How To Get Out Of A Pace Loan

Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) loans are an innovative way for homeowners to finance energy-efficient upgrades, but they come with their own set of challenges. If you find yourself needing to get out of a PACE loan, it’s important to understand your options and the steps involved.


PACE loans allow property owners to finance energy improvements through property tax assessments. While beneficial for some, they can become burdensome due to their long-term nature, higher interest rates, and impact on property transactions. This guide will walk you through the steps to get out of a PACE loan, providing detailed information and resources to help you make an informed decision.

What is a PACE Loan?

PACE loans are designed to help property owners finance energy efficiency, renewable energy, water conservation, and other improvements. The loan is repaid over time through a voluntary assessment on the property tax bill. These loans are available for residential, commercial, and industrial properties.

For more information, you can visit the PACE Financing Wikipedia page.

Steps to Get Out of a PACE Loan

1. Review Your Loan Agreement

Action: Carefully read through your PACE loan agreement to understand the terms and conditions, including any penalties for early repayment.

Details: Look for information regarding prepayment penalties, interest rates, and the total amount owed. This will help you plan your exit strategy.

2. Contact Your PACE Loan Provider

Action: Reach out to your PACE loan provider to discuss your situation and explore your options.

Details: They can provide details on the payoff amount, prepayment process, and any applicable fees.

3. Assess Your Financial Situation

Action: Evaluate your current financial situation to determine if you can afford to pay off the loan in full or if you need to explore alternative financing options.

Details: Consider factors such as savings, equity in your home, and potential refinancing options.

4. Explore Refinancing Options

Action: Investigate refinancing your mortgage to include the PACE loan amount or obtaining a personal loan to pay it off.

Details: Refinancing can often provide lower interest rates and better terms. Speak with mortgage lenders to understand your options.

5. Consider Selling the Property

Action: If paying off the loan is not feasible, consider selling your property.

Details: Be aware that the PACE loan will typically need to be paid off during the sale, which can affect your sale price and terms.

6. Seek Legal Advice

Action: Consult with a real estate attorney to understand your legal rights and obligations.

Details: An attorney can provide guidance on the best course of action and help negotiate with your loan provider if needed.

7. Utilize Government and Non-Profit Resources

Action: Look for government programs or non-profit organizations that may offer assistance with PACE loan repayment.

Details: These resources can sometimes provide financial assistance or counseling to help you manage your loan.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a PACE Loan?

A PACE loan is a type of financing for energy-efficient and renewable energy improvements, repaid through property tax assessments.

Can I Pay Off a PACE Loan Early?

Yes, you can pay off a PACE loan early, but be sure to check your loan agreement for any prepayment penalties.

How Does a PACE Loan Affect Selling My Property?

A PACE loan is attached to the property, not the owner, so it typically must be paid off at the time of sale, which can complicate the selling process.

Are There Alternatives to PACE Loans?

Yes, alternatives include traditional financing options like home equity loans, personal loans, and mortgage refinancing.

Where Can I Get Help with My PACE Loan?

You can seek assistance from financial advisors, real estate attorneys, and government or non-profit programs dedicated to helping homeowners manage their loans.

For further reading, you can explore more about PACE Financing on Wikipedia.


Getting out of a PACE loan requires careful planning and consideration of your financial situation and available options. By following the steps outlined in this guide and seeking appropriate advice, you can effectively manage your PACE loan and move towards financial stability.


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